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Temperature Mapping



Temperature mapping is the systematic mapping of temperature conditions, temperature equality and temperature development. Often, authorities such as the FDA or manufacturers set requirements in the context of, for example, GMP for the space in which temperature-sensitive goods are stored. 

Temperature mapping provides insight into how a certain space behaves thermally over a certain period of time.

Target Audience

Employees of pharmaceutical and food organizations who deal directly or indirectly with temperature-sensitive products or for which the temperature conditions and humidity of environments are applicable.


This training consists of 1 half day (4 hours) and covers the diversity of different temperature measurements, how to set up these test conditions and how to apply them.


·        Introduction Temperature Mapping

·        Check conditioning environment

·        Determine cold and heat zones

·        Identify / improve temperature / humidity

·        Create a location measurement plan

·        Determining the frequency of execution of measurements

·        Calculate and document results

Qty participants   8 - 12